
adds a background color on sections or components

Color 1


Color 2


Call to action

HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.

HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.

HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.


HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.

HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.

HIDEO Bootstrap Website Template
is perfect for clean presentation of your business.

Focus box

We take design and code seriously!
HIDEOE website template is the perfect tool you need to quickly build your website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula, tellus in convallis porta, metus lacus eleifend nisi, eu lobortis nisi magna eu justo.

We take design and code seriously!
HIDEOE website template is the perfect tool you need to quickly build your website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula, tellus in convallis porta, metus lacus eleifend nisi, eu lobortis nisi magna eu justo.

We take design and code seriously!
HIDEOE website template is the perfect tool you need to quickly build your website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vehicula, tellus in convallis porta, metus lacus eleifend nisi, eu lobortis nisi magna eu justo.


Add padding and margin on any element, when you needs it with thoses classes

<div class="mt15">...</div>
Padding top and bottom 1.5em (.pt15, .pb15)
Padding top and bottom 3em (.pt40, .pb40)
Padding top and bottom 4em(.pt40, .pb40)
Margin bottom 1.5em (.mb15)
Margin bottom 3em (.mb30)
Margin bottom 4em (.mb40)